A bit of a step back in time this picture.
I cut this one last summer for inclusion in a juried exhibition titled "Invisible". It took a while to come up with something I felt fit the theme, I'm so used to just doing whatever idea comes to mind that this was a bit of a challenge, time to use "the little grey cells" to quote Poirot!
Finally an idea popped to life.
I love the song "White Chalk" by PJ Harvey - do check her out, brilliant singer/songwriter. It talks about how we come from the land and return to it in death, feeding what feeds us. I'd often listened to it and wondered how it would translate into a picture, here is my take on it.
As well as depicting a skeleton in the roots of the tree I have included the major elements - in symbol form - that make up the physical human body. On a more romantic level the tree is carved with hearts and the initials of the families of Andrew and myself. The planets are depicted too so the whole piece is about life and death and the constant regeneration and evolution of this speck in space that we live on.
And I do like skulls and bones, so any excuse to put them in a picture, especially as this time I could really justify it!
I ended up doing two versions of this as one sold at the exhib and I was commissioned to do another, personalising it by including the initials of the couple it was for in the trunk of the tree.
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